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Bacteria/Germs killing Tips


Although most Germs in the outside world are harmless. It is necessary to realize that some pathogenic species are often mixed with non-pathogenic ones and special precautions have to be taken to destroy them in order to prevent the spread of infections. In the conversation of the conditions influencing the growth of the bacteria, it was taken out that bacteria organisms are sensitive to drying, daylight, limits of temperature, and other physical and chemical conditions.

This information is useful against bacteria. Which is useful for controlling the bacteria and its effects. Here are some bacteria-controlled tips.


  • Sanitizer:- the substance which kills the microorganisms (pathogenic life form, bacteria ). 

  • Cleaning:- The removal of viruses like dirt.
  • Disinfection:- the destruction of all pathogenic organisms, not usually including the bacteria spores.
  • Antisepsis:- The prevention of contamination for the most part by hindering the growth of bacteria.
  • Antiseptic:- The agent capable of producing antisepsis.
  • Bactericidal Agents:- The substance which is able to kill the bacteria.
  • Bacteriostatic agents:- The substance which prevents the multiplication of bacteria and they remain alive.

There are some different physical methods to control germs.

  • Sunlight: the large no of bacteria may be killed in few hours by exposure to bright sunlight owing to its ultraviolet rays. Blankets, pillows, and mattresses may be disinfected by this method, especially in this country where sunlight is available for a very long time.
  • Drying:– wetness is specifically essential for the expansion of germs. Drying has a harmful effect on it. However, this is definitely for disinfection and sterilization.

  • Boiling:– most of the pathogenic organisms are killed within 3-5 minutes by boiling. But spore-forming organisms may not be killed for many hours. 
  • Steam under pressure:– This also the most powerful technique to avoid the multiplication of bacteria. So you can steam your dress and essential things.
  • Radiation:– There are two types of radiation that can be used for radiation. i.e ionizing and non-ionizing. Inferred and ultraviolet rays are non-ionizing types and gamma rays and high energy electrons are of the ionizing types. The infrared and gamma radiation and high-energy electrons are useful for effective mass sterilization, which is useful to control bacteria.
  • Scrubbing:– This is usually done with soap and water. This process itself removes many organisms, and the soap in addition act chemically to control the bacteria. Chemical methods of control.      

A chemical pesticide works by changing the composition of protein or by coagulating the bacterial protein so that it no longer lives in the same form. It is important to remember that what to be cleaned ought to be fully covered with sanitizer. Powerful solutions ordinarily act quicker than poor ones but if a lot of time is available a weak system could be better as it is more affordable. It should be remembered that a chemical that may be disinfectant in a certain strength, may act only as an antiseptic in a weaker solution and in a very weak solvent can even stimulate biological growth.

Lysol is also a derivative of phenol that is mixed with soap. It has a more important bacteriocidal activity and is less toxic than phenol. It is also good for destroying bacteria.

For being healthy, I hope, tips mentioned above for bacteria control definitely useful for you.

The above pieces of information are obtained from trusted various source reviews: WikipediaWHO & more...

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