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The World's 10 Biggest Lightning Hot Spots

Where in the World Does Lightning Strike the Most?

The World's 10 Biggest Lightning Hot Spots

NASA says, Lightning Strike is a lightning discharge that usually occurs between clouds affecting the weather, when the ice particles inside the cloud grow, break apart, and separate; The lower side of the storm cloud receives a negative charge, although the upper part receives a positive charge. According to a worldwide scale, lightning strikes are about 500 to 100 flashes per second. And NASA says the lightning Strike is responsible for 240,000 people injuries per year, 24,000 people deaths per year, and millions/trillion of dollars in property destroyed.

NASA collects some data from lightning storms. That information comes from specialized sources. A weather satellite, Tropical Rainfall Measurement, and space agency researchers with an analysis of 16yrs of data. And describes the available data, then finds out which side of the earth has the maximum lightning Strike each year.

Africa is one of the maximum lightning Strike hotspots. The top 500 electric hotspots are worldwide, where 283 lightning spots in Africa. second place in Asia with 87 lightning sites, third is Southern America with 67lightning sites, as well as Northern America with 53 lightning sites, and Oceania with 10 lightning sites. 

This data provides the best information about lightning on earth.

The World's 10 Biggest Lightning Hot Spots.

10. Boende, Democratic Republic of Congo

Africa is one of the maximum lightning Strike hotspots. The maximum 500 lightning Strike hotspots are worldwide, were 283 lightning hotspots in Africa. Boende is among them, which lies in the Democracy Republic of Congo. NASA researcher scientists assumed Boende was also the lightning Strike flashes capital of the world. peoples say at the time a lightning storm 'Boende' has no place outdoor is safe also no area would be made safe. The Whereat 'Boende-Democratic Republic of Congo' gets 127.52 lightning Strike flashes per sq km per year. That makes the 'Boende'  area in the 10th position in the world about maximum lightning Strike hotspots.

9. Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo

Butembo is also one of the maximum lighting flashpoints in the world. and Butembo is also lying in the Democracy Republic of Congo.  Butembo is the Great Lake region of Africa. this place is in 9th position in the world about maximum lighting strike hotspot. To this continent lengthy known as thunderstorms as well. where at 'Butembo-Democratic Republic of Congo' gets 129.50 lightning flashes per sq km per year.

8. Nguti, Cameroon

Nguti is one of the 10th highest lighting areas in the world. where Nguti is in 8th position and is lies in Cameroon. According to the weather researchers, at Nguti people can see so numerous thunderstorms for the reason that stable cool sea air from the close Gulf of Guinea joins hot air, that hot air comes from the heated earth at this inland Cameroon spot. because of this Nguti gets more lightning strike flashes, where 'Nguti' gets 129.58 lightning flashes per sq km per year.

7. El Tarra, Colombia

Lightning is more generally higher and closer to the equator. According to NASA, there could be around 2,000 thunderstorms worldwide at any given moment, with between 100 and 500 lightning strikes per second. Where 'El Tarara in Colombia' 1 km 138..61 lightning strike flashes per year. That's why El Tarra is seventh on the list about the lightning strike flashes.

6. Dagar, Pakistan

Dager is the 6th lighting strike hotspot in the world. which lies in Pakistan, that's lighting strike hotspot exact location is on the mountainous side of Pakistan nearby the Afghan border. where sees so numerous thunderstorms. because it places in between the Indus River plain and the westmost Himalaya. In the generally 'Dagar-Pakistan' gets 143.11 lightning strike flashes per sq km per year.

5. Sake, Democratic Republic of Congo

Africa has six lighting strike hotspots of NASA’s top ten. Which are maximum of them close to Lake Kivu, And between the Rwanda and Congo, Sake, and the other large lakes along the Eastern African Rift Valley, 'Sake' is the one that gets most of the lighting strike flash every year? The overall 'Sake-Democratic Republic of Congo' gets 143.21 lightning strike flashes per sq km per year. that's why 'sake' makes the world's 5th lighting hotspot. 

4. Caceres, Colombia

Caceras area is the 4th highest lighting flashes hotspot in the world, which lies in Colombia. Cauca River is a river of Caceras where more lightning strikes flashes than any other place in Colombia. in the overall 'Caceres-Colombia' gets 172.29 lightning flashes per sq km per year. that's why 'Caceras' is in 4th position In the world about lighting strikes.

3. Kampene, Democratic Republic of Congo

The people believe that lightning does not strike twice in the exact same location. But, in some same places lightning strike twenty times a year. for example 'Empire State Building'. And parts of Africa's great lakes tremble with lightning strikes all the time. Overall, the 'Kampang-Democratic Republic of Congo' has 176.71 lightning strikes per kilometer per year. So that makes Kampene the third light strike hotspot in the world.

2. Kabare, Democratic Republic of Congo

According to the lightning flashes 'Kabare-Democratic Republic of Congo'  is the second world's maximum lighting flashes place, where entirely Africa is the number one highest lighting place in the world, where 283 separate lighting areas, and it's African's the Great Lakes Region also. Home to 'Kabare' is a center of lightning activity. This place gets 232.52 lightning strike flashes per sq km per year.

1. Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela

One of the most interesting facts found about Lake Maracaibo, that place is the most lightning hotspot on Earth, which is seen over on the water surface. This behavior seems more on during the nighttime than in the afternoon. Lake Maracaibo is in Venezuela. This place is the kind of hotspot where 232.52 lightning Strike flashes per sq km per year. This is the world's most lightning Strike hotspot. it would be South America’s biggest lake but not for the lake only, is the perfect place for lightning strikes, with storms almost nightly. locals called that is the Never-Finishing Storm of Catatumbo. whereas locals people have used visitors' ships for prime views of the lightning flashes show.

Here are the lists of the top 10 most lightning Strike hotspots. 

(This listed by average lightning flashes per sq km per year)


Lighting HotSpots


Lighting flashes 

(per sq km)

per year


Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela



Kabare, Democratic Republic of Congo



Kampene, Democratic Republic of Congo 



Caceres, Colombia



Sake, Democratic Republic of Congo



Dagar, Pakistan



El Tarra, Colombia



Nguti, Cameroon



Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo 



Boende, Democratic Republic of Congo


To The World's 10 Biggest Lightning Hot Spots provides as chart column figures.
The World's 10 Biggest Lightning Hot Spots
Does metal in the ground attract lightning flashes?

when the ice particles inside the cloud grow, breaks apart, and separate; The lower side of the storm cloud receives a negative charge, although the upper part receives a positive charge. When discharge between clouds then after start lightning discharge and we can see Lightning Strike flashes.

Weather forecasters/researchers say even though metalline conducts electrical energy, it doesn't attract lighting directly. And lightning is more attractive to conducting things between the earth and the clouds, instead of metals in the ground. that's why metallic in the ground attracts electricity is a myth.

How do you protect yourself from a Lightning Strike? What to do when lightning activity is intense at the time of the critical situation?

If we unwantedly stock in during a storm, there are some obvious precautions you can take, seek shelter or go indoors. If you're caught out in the open in a car, don't touch any metal surfaces. If you are stuck right out in the open place, try to clear off yourself and stay away from trees. If you find yourself in a very dire situation with lightning on top of you, try to stand with your feet as close as possible together but not quite together. obviously, that will be the best idea to do not to go out when the weather is not a good situation. And obviously, that's will be a good idea, as possible as don't go out when the weather is bad.

The above pieces of information are obtained from trusted various source reviews: Wikipediabbc.comwashingtonpost & more.…

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